Posted in: Featured Guests

Peter Eisenhuth Joins us in Dental School 101

Several years ago Peter’s daughter’s life-threatening stomach infection became the catalyst for a revolution in oral care. After her release from the hospital, her physicians gave him and his wife Dr. Jen strict guidelines for recovery. These included not only dietary restrictions, but a mandate to check all her personal care products for potential toxins. Peter walks us through how they examined typical retail toothpastes, reading the entire ingredient label for the first time. What they discovered shocked and dismayed them: these toothpastes contained toxic, petroleum-based ingredients that posed risk not just to their daughter, but to their entire family. Hear more and learn more about the revolutionary oral health care products they created at

Posted in: Featured Guests

Dr. Shoup & Peter Eisenhuth Discuss the Positives & Negatives of Fluoride

We breakdown the revolutionary Dr. Jen’s toothpaste and why Peter and his wife Dr. Jen created one version with fluoride and one version without fluoride. Why did they do this? And why is the United States FDA lagging far behind the rest of the world in healthy consumer product development?

Posted in: Featured Guests

Jodi Deming Joins Dr. Shoup for 2 Exclusive Segments

We take another big step forward in dental technology and Dr. Shoup’s team is already treating their patients with these advancements. They were trained by the experienced hygienist Jodi Deming. She is leading the nationwide charge for a revolutionary way to deep clean your teeth and gum line in the most non-invasive way possible. Is it possible to have a day spa dental cleaning experience? Jodi joins Dr. Shoup to discuss all the details.

Posted in: Featured Guests

Lauren Layton Discusses Her Patient Experience and the Healing Powers of Juice Plus

Lauren Layton joins Dr. Shoup to tell his listeners about how she was not satisfied with what her current dentist was suggesting to her for procedures he thought she needed. She was skeptical so she started researching online for more holistic and healthier approaches and that’s when she found Dr. Shoup’s websites. Then she experienced a new patient examination like she never had before. Her outlook on dentistry changed from that day forward. She also discusses how she found out about Juice Plus, a daily supplement that helps you bridge the gaps in your diet without the time consuming juicing and shakes. Just take a couple pills a day with raw healthy ingredients for all the fruits and vegetables that you need. Juice Plus helped dramatically reduce the inflammatory symptoms that her father was experiencing and she’s seen the great health benefits for her entire family. Check out more information by visiting her website.

Product Ingredients You Must Avoid

Dr. Shoup discusses with our expert guest Bea White, well known retail products in the United States that are banned in Europe. Over a thousand ingredients used in the United States have yet to be banned. Why is that? And what product ingredients should you avoid to prevent serious future health problems? Listen now to find out. And visit Bea White’s website by clicking here to learn more and to see The List of Ingredients to Avoid.

Posted in: Featured Guests

Dr. Scott Nall – Treating Joint and Muscle Problems with Ozone Therapy

Dr. Shoup’s Ask the Expert segment featured Dr. Scott Nall, an Osteopathic Specialist based in Indianapolis. They discuss how ozone treatment methods can replace invasive surgery. Have a muscle injury? Are you considering joint replacement? You may not need to go under the knife. Listen to the doctors discuss a modern day solution to a decades old surgical problem.

Posted in: Featured Guests

Bethany Piziks-Gareiss – Equine Gestalt Coaching Method

Dr. Shoup brings to light an alternative to traditional counseling. This is not just a new alternative to sitting down with a psychologist. Our guest has also seen this method improve their participants’ concentration, relieve their stress and help them further exceed in the business world with the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method.

Posted in: Featured Guests

Steve Anderson – CEO of Total Patient Services

Dr. Shoup welcomes the CEO of one of the nation’s leading companies striving to educate dental consumers on how to avoid mistreatment, unethical billing, and providing all the knowledge for choosing dentists who are doing everything right. So many dentists are just going through the motions, not staying up on technology and best whole health practices, listen now to what you should be looking for in a dentist.